• Hi!
    I'm Vidya

Machine Learning Enthusiast

Computer Vision & NLP practitioner

Software Enginerring Buff



Master of Science in Computer Science at Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and computer science, University of Texas at Dallas.

Specializing in intelligent systems.

professional training in Computer Science at CMR Institute of Technology (CMRIT), Bangalore. Affiliated to Visweswaraya Technological University(VTU).

Online Education

Completed the Computer Vision Nanodegree through Udacity

Completed the Neural Networks and Deep Learning course through Coursera


Professional Work Experience

Ericsson 2018 - Current

Machine Learning Engineer

Ericsson 2018 - Current

Machine Learning Intern

SAP 2015-2016

Associate Developer

Volunteering and Other Work

College Mentor 2017-2018

Volunteered as a college mentor to guide and help high school students put together a drone which can detect fire. This is a Inititaive from YWISE

My Work

I enjoyed working on...

Facial Keypoint Detection

Combines Computer Vision techniques and deep learning architectures to build a facial keypoint detection system.Convolusion Neural Network used to detect key facial points.

Image Captioning

Applies deep learning architectures to computer vision tasks.Combine CNN and RNN networks to build an automatic image captioning application.

Object Tracking Using SLAM

Uses sensor data to localize a robot and build a map of the environment with SLAM.

Predicting an Employee's wage

Predicting an Employee’s wage - A comparison between Logistic Regression and Neural Networks using R

Semantic Search Engine

Uses Natural Language Processing techniques to effectively search for news artircles taken from the BBC news set.

Network Node Discovery

Using Switch Content Addressable Memory (CAM) to discover and diagnose nodes in a network.

Rent Wheels

A PHP based web application to rent cars.

Water Ripple

Graphically simulating Water Ripples using C++ and OpenGL.
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